Cornish Maine Wedding Photographer // Choosing a Wedding Photographer with Lighting Skills
I’m way behind blogging about this year’s weddings, but I had a really interesting conversation with another photographer recently that made me think. When interviewing potential wedding photographers for your once in a lifetime, only going to happen once event, you should most definitely ask them if they are proficient in off camera flash or some sort of lighting. When I am asked about lighting, I tell my potential clients that I am proud that I can light the hell out of their reception! It’s no secret that there are a ton of wedding photographers out there, but not all of us have the technical skill. It’s ok to be a great natural light photographer, but that person should not only be a natural light photographer. It’s super important to know how to use artificial lighting because when your reception starts the sun is going down. Without the use of proper lighting, your wedding pictures will look muddy and grainy. Basically, they will look terrible!
When I first started shooting weddings, I’ll admit, that I was not completely prepared for all the challenges that a typically wedding day had. You literally have to be prepared for anything to happen at all times! I shot my first wedding reception with a single flash and those pictures definitely did not look good. They most certainly did not look professional. Thankfully I have grown with my technical skill over the years. I invest a large amount of what I make yearly back into my education of everything that is photography, not just lighting. It’s important to me that when you hire a professional photographer, you get just that… a professional.
So, I guess that the big take away from this is, really do your homework when investing in your wedding photography. You shouldn’t just vibe with the person. Find someone that is proficient in their technical skills as well as runs a legit business. (Don’t even get me started on that topic. There are a lot of “hobbiests” posing as professionals without insurance or shooting on dual cards.) Don’t be afraid to ask questions. How much wedding photography experience do they have? Ask for a recent wedding gallery to review. Try to imagine what your wedding pictures will look like based off of that. And just make sure that you are 100% comfortable with your investment, because it is just that!